
Magic hat
Bookkeeping logo concepts
99food.io logo
Logo Design for an AI Assistant


Specialist in iOS and Android app icon.
and UI/UX Design

Member since: February 04, 2017
Contests won
Runner up
1-to-1 Projects
Repeat clients
Mid Level




"Sehr guter, höflicher und freundlicher Designer, der seine Arbeit schnell und zuverlässig voranbringt. Antwortet schnell und hat gute Ideen."
Profile picturemarketing.fm28N reviewed 5 days ago
"Poeroetts designed a beautiful logo for our organization. They have a great innate sense of design and attention to detail, which makes their work stand out. Everyone on our team truly appreciates and is excited about the logo. Poeroetts was also respon..."
Anonymous client reviewed 17 days ago
"Poeroetts was very fast at delivering designs and made the changes very quickly after we asked. They delivered so many designs for us to choose from, even after we chose them as the winner. "
Anonymous client reviewed 26 days ago
"Thank you for the testimonials you provided. Looking forward to the latest work that you will provide and ready to collaborate with you ^_^"
Profile picturepoeroetts responded 26 days ago
"The designer was very quick and responsive. They provided edits and options in a professional manner. We love the logo and have no complaints. "
Anonymous client reviewed 26 days ago
"Thanks for review testimonials . We hope that in the future we can still collaborate on other projects."
Profile picturepoeroetts responded 26 days ago
"Great designer - thanks for your help!"
Anonymous client reviewed 27 days ago
"Thank you for the testimonials you provided, I look forward to other work from you in the future. Greetings"
Profile picturepoeroetts responded 27 days ago