This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer stephenbarnwell
Background information
Organization name
Occupy Wall Street
Community & Non-Profit
Description of the organization and its target audience
We are not a business, we are all individuals. The finance group is invited to sell these certificates to raise money and cover costs. But most of them will be given into circulation.
Content details
This design is for a protest “currency” to be shared with people who attend or support the Occupy Wall St. and related 99% movement, actions and activities. It will be a printed paper bill/certificate.
The design competition is open to anyone. More than one entry per artist is allowed.
The design should be appealing and make use of the emerging ideas and iconography of the OWS / 99% movement. It should attempt to capture the feeling of the movement without making specific assertions or claims.
Contest submissions may be screen quality, but the final deliverable must be high resolution for print. It must be a layered graphical file format with editable elements in either a vector format (eps/svg/ai) or 600dpi at 3” x 7.5” – double-sided.
Suggested Text: "This certificate acknowledges your support of the 2011 Occupy Wall Street / Movement of the 99%. It bears no pretense of monetary instrument or legal tender.”
Other Possible Text: Issued at Liberty Plaza
Any logos or key iconic images it contains will be shared with the rest of the OWS movement and if your design is selected, you grant us permission to alter, reproduce and/or sell the design for the benefit of the movement.
Any images used the design must be royalty-free with a license appropriate to this use.
The winner will also receive 20 certificates from the first print run to share with supportive friends, and bragging rights.
Submissions will be reviewed by participants at ContactCon and the MetaCurrency Collabathon in NYC. The final winner will be selected at the currency committee meeting in Liberty Square on Monday October 24th.
No files
Contest deliverables
Digital design
Final files
Layered vectors
Screen quality
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.