
Web App for a Cryptocurrency exchange platform
Clean Design for an Automotive App
Minimalist Banking App
Disk Management Windows App
Homepage concept for High Performance Race Cars
Puzzle Game design
Nutrition tracking App
Health App
Restaurant Page concept


I believe that the beauty is in clean and minimalist designs. In each design I combine simplicity, modern look and awesome UX to create an unforgettable experience for the user.

My Behance Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/romantesliuk

Member since: February 15, 2014
Contests won
Runner up
1-to-1 Projects
Repeat clients
Brand guide
Top Level




"Overall, good stuff. Some slight things like responsiveness and misaligned text in final doc but this project has been dragging on so it's all good. "
Anonymous client reviewed about 7 years ago
"Fantastic work. I hope to work with Roman again."
Profile pictureStewart Dennis reviewed over 7 years ago
"Roman did a fantastic job. He really brought our idea to life with his high-quality design. He was responsive to feedback too and quickly incorporated our suggestions. I hope to work with him again! "
Anonymous client reviewed over 7 years ago
"Roma shows consistently good design skills, timeliness and always goes above and beyond project scope. Hire him!"
Anonymous client reviewed almost 8 years ago
"Roma is not only an excellent designer, but a champion team member. Fast turnaround, organized files and natural ability to go above and beyond ensure we'll be working with him again. "
Profile picturetheBigBang reviewed about 8 years ago