Showing 10,005 contests
The goal is to sell it in exclusive bars, clubs, Duty Free shops as a potential gift, for special events, etc.
106 designs
Banks and payroll companies use this product when printing checks. Just make sure there's a spot on the right for a wrap
128 designs
Acne prone 15 year old girl/boy right through to 50+ year old women/men with dry oily skin or age spots fine lines and w
33 designs
Everyone who owns a printer uses our products around the world. Most every office in every industry.
110 designs
age 21 - 35
working professional men and women
Modern, Hip, Youg people who like going out
105 designs
Durchschnittliche Haushalte
Alter zwischen 21-60 Jahre
Studenten, Singles, Familien, Auszubildende
95 designs
Target consumers are Young people(10s to 30s). These people like to shop for some flavourful snack in supermarket. The n
27 designs
Women ages 21-35 from urban areas, higher income levels. Men can also use this product.
41 designs
Our customers tend to be 50+, with slightly more women than men, but we're always trying to widen the appeal!
45 designs
Our product is for children from 3 years and adults of all ages who want to use their creativity without limit and witho
6 designs
Users 18 or 21+ that are looking at smokeable hemp joints. Want to pop in gas stations.
59 designs
Women, from 25 to 65+ years old.
Price range is relatively high (1 shampoo = $18/$20)
We want the packaging to reflect
66 designs
Target customers would be female and young/medium aged demographic globally.
Product packaging
4 designs
Our customers are primarily health-conscious women between 30-55 who value natural ingredients, but purchasing decisions
79 designs
The target audience is younger generation from 18 to 35 living mainly in Europe (Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Unite
100 designs
Überwiegend wird das Produkt von Männern genutzt. Männer den Spaß am Werkeln haben und sich selbst wahrscheinlich als He
19 designs
Online gameplay. Fornite & Call of Duty will be the most used games. In fact, I'd like to add some call of duty, fornite
20 designs