This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer Marko Djekic
Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
We provide networked system solutions to large enterprises. We have a number of products - ranging from an operating system, to desktop & web applications (both business and consumer facing), to specialized backend API services. Our target audience is other businesses (we're a B2B company), though long-term there will be some consumer-facing products.
Visual style
Colors to explore
Light neutrals
Dark neutrals
Other color requirements
If you decide to use blue, for reference, we use #108ee9 as a base blue extensively on our site.
We primarily use the color palette at this link:
It is important to us that our logo 'work' for both software (web, operating system, API) & hardware products. Some of the products we deliver will have the logo laser-cut into a physical device (likely metal/aluminum). We specifically don't want the logo to be a tree or leaf - the logo should also not be 'mascot' oriented. We're looking for something modern/abstract & simple/minimalist. We also specifically don't want the logo to be text only - we are looking for a logo with a non-text visual piece that can stand on its own.
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.