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222 designs found for:
Wheat Bees
Southern Highlands
Logo for a brewery
Greystone bakery
bold logo for a bakery
Home Page for Harper's Homemade Bread
vintage style logo design.
Lucia's Bakery
Halls Grain & Cattle Co.
Shiretown Stoneground Artisanal Flours
Steam Bakery
Eldorena Milling Co.
Logo Design for Wheat Bees
French Quotes
Create a captive logo showing modern youth in agriculture for Trinity Farms
Wheat Bees logo
presa consulting logo design
Bear logo for brew tour company
Donut Bakery got Indian
Zeller land and forest logo
BAKEHOUSE High End Bakery
Logo for an artisan bakery
Logo concept for Goldblondeoats cafe
Classic Logo for a dry land farming in Montana
Dakota Counseling Group
Brewery Sticker
Harvest real estate design.
Fresh and unique logo concept
Line art logo showing off all things brewery and beer
Oat Haus
Design the logo for the next up and coming bakery in Mexico
WIndrow farm
Create a new logo for our next Beer!
Agricultural design for our large grain/pulses operation.
Harvey Family Symbol
Hennes Bakery
Radtical Granola
Logo concept for a family farm
tendler  logo
Ben Ali Foods
Agricultural design for our large grain/pulses operation.
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