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137 designs found for:
Portada de Libro
Logo for cloud based music library company "Moon Beat"
Perros y libros.
A Modern E-Learning & Self-Service Training Provider
Box of Books: bringing K-12 school textbooks into the digital age
Logo for a web library
365 Alive
arabic logo
Innovative Logo for LAWRENCE Public School
Book logo
Create vintage business cards for coffee shop
Visual identity for bookstore
Maktaba Islamic Book Store
La Ludibrairie
the devils library
Negative Space Logo for Earn&Learn
Visual Identity for Bookstore
concept for Executive's diary
The Reading Lounge (Rejected Design)
Visual identity for bookstore
La Ludibrairie
Green Book
The Library Steakhouse
Book House Logo
Logo Concept for Tech & Data Storage
Colabora con tu diseño para salvar parejas, Create a cover for a self help book for couples
Portada para el libro -Por qué nuestra relacion No funciona, si nos queremos tanto. Create a cover for a self help book for couples
Open Access
Create a modern and inspiring logo for MyLibraryOnline
Create a modern and inspiring logo for MyLibraryOnline
Cover Book Wardenclyffe
e-Books App contest entry
Bold logo concept for software company
Logo Concept for Tech & Data Storage
Book Club Logo Design
Logo concept for Art Society
Portada Libro
Logo Concept for Tech & Data Storage
Keep the Book logo concept
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