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382 designs found for:
Cover Design for a debut pop album
Design a striking, thought provoking album cover for itunes and Cd release / Originality and Creativity is Vital
COLORFUL Rock Band CD cover design
Create a DVD cover design for a music library
Lunatic Wolf Require Artwork for their upcoming album!
Create a CD sleeve and disc face for SGT Ken's audio CD - The Road toResilience
cd cover
Design podcast art for new jazz & creative process show
Single Cover artwork
Ordinary Man
Atlas CD Cover
Fantasy by Gyrlie - Album Cover Design
Gracie Yates 'boys like you'
Album Cover
CD Cover - Once more, autumn
Alzheimer's Album
Cover art for Pop/ R&B album
CD Cover Design
CD cover
CD Cover 2
5:01 am Cover
Wallow in the Mire needs an Ep Album Cover!
The Storm
CD cover for hip hop artists new album Full House
"Meditations" - The Dan Lamaestra Trio
Cover proposal for musician
Create album artwork for new EP "Out of Touch" by Retro Youth
CD cover
CD Cover for The Ray EP
Zoto CD Cover Art
cd cover
Create Album Artwork for upcoming electronic release!
El fieston de tu vida
Album Cover - Irish Folk Punk - The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats
Danny Paul - Your Money/No Bail
Music CD
Rising Tide Blues CD Artwork
Chris Mars
Album Cover for Progressive Jazz-Metal Band
MH - Album Cover Design - Contest entry
Cover Art for a Rap Song about Time
Cover Art For J.O.B - Mark Bake
debut album cover More Than Us
CD Album Cover Design - "Game Changer" by artist Tony James
Album cover
Design concept for cd music cover
3D neon sign
Album Cover
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