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141 designs found for:
Cosmetic label
Logo for a pagan social media community
Crisp Logo for Winery
Logo for celebrity-in-the-making Jill B Jarvis
Paopao label design
Feminine design for a life coaching business
Powerful & Sophisticated Logo Design for Makeup Artist
PoLa Pickles & Pierogi
Kipp Boutique High End Fashion Label Website
Healing sanctuary logo
Around Ashley's Table Candle Shop
Refined Lanundry Logo
Elegant logo concept for Downtown NYC wedding dress shop
Logo for a cookie bakery.
Logo for Savvy Glo
Petals | Sanitary napkin
Minimal, clean logo for a beauty salon
MAH Photography
Logo-Luxury Limited Edition E-cigarette and Champagne Lounge in Asia
Album cover
Delicate Logo for Traurednerin Sadza
Rose City Storage
Create a stylish logo for Wish Photography by Katherine Stannard
Lanctot's Loveables Teddy Bears Logo
Logo My Cupcake Connection
Nature inspired logo for a coach
feminine logo design for Wolf & Lux candle and skincare brand
Delicate Logo for a wellness philosophy concept
Logo for healthy food in a glas
Formal wear e-commerce logo
Pattern for toddler apparel
logo for a spa called ladybug
Norwegian anti age treatment company looking for good  logo design
Create a logo for Heydays a fun 'indie' event styling company.
Dainty, delicate design for a lactation support business.
Hand drawn logo concept for kuchengold
Logo-Luxury Limited Edition E-cigarette and Champagne Lounge in Asia
Family representation
Tattoo extension
logo for a spa called ladybug
Delicate perfume logo
Delicate logo
OM home
Delicate tattoo for sisters
 Women Empowerment: Pearl xChange
Logo for a French bakery
cute octopus
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