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1,180 designs found for:
packaging or label design für Alchemy Berlin Brewing
FryTrap package box and logo
Fun design for Pickle and Salsa Jars
Premium Wine Label needed for Australian company to export to China
Easy Product Package Design (mostly copy and paste) Needed 4 HandGripper
bold gloves packaging
Album cover - Rock and Roll
Create logo/line look for Modern Basics! With potential for $15K of work if selected!!
HAUTE Premium Vodka
Transparent Label.
Cheese wrapping paper pattern
CD Design for Colin Crest
Golden label
Create the shoe box design of the brand which will change the waywomen see shoes
The Flying Dutchman Coffee
Clean Elegant Luxury Candle Box
Label design for a handcrafted natural skincare line born in NZ and made in New York
Creative packaging design contest for dough based product of Canada
Create Album Art for a Nationally Syndicated Kids Radio Show. 
Simple wordmark
packaging or label design für Alchemy Berlin Brewing
Hip, Fresh & Fun Packaging Design for New Business
Create the next packaging or label design for Crusticks, Inc.
 The Gold Soul
Scent2Go Toilet Fragrance Packaging
Ice cream Popsicle amazon design
Envelope for Photchromic Optical Lens
Packaging design for JUVE
Crown Legacy paint labels
Cloud Facial Tissues
Design for premium rice Season Co
Product Packaging for Mountain Trolls
Label design
Baladas Flamencas
Heavenly Couture
Gin Label new flavor.
CD album cover - metal
Mountain Ale by Yushan Brewing
Luxurious Bourbon Whiskey
"Kukeri" wine label design
OmniYouth Anti-Aging Spray
Bag design 2
Cafe and Bakery packaging.
Deseo Hair Packaging Design
Album cover - Rock' n' roll
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