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4,811 designs found for:
Seeking a clean, simple icon for a new iOS game app!
Cool badges for crowdfunding platform
Icon for location based app
New logo for Flipagram
Visually Integrated Icon Set
Discovery Boulevard, LLC needs a new button or icon
Icons needed for an IT Dashboard web-based application
Professional Iconography Needed for Software Tutorial Movies
User Badges for an Online Forum (guaranteed + blind)
App icon
Icon for remote control app
Review Inc
Apps Icon
Create a gamer-fitness app Icon for PlusStrength
Create a world-class icon for the "Life Organizer" App.
Create a friendly, dynamic icon for a children's storytelling app.
App Icon/Logo for Lend with Friends
Aura health app icon needs 30 semi-simple product icon/images of business cards needs 30 semi-simple product icon/images of business cards
App Icon Stock Alert
App Icon
Fitness app icon and logo design
new icon for app with more than 30 mln downloads
Graphic Icons for Staffing Marketing Company
Spa icons
Simple app icon design
True Tags
TSC Earlogic
Need icons for mental health site. Could grow into larger job.
A Few Simple Icons -- But Need To Convey Tech Savvy
4 icons in a table (2 sets)
icon or button design for Hawaii Discovery University - Kids
Muni Sage App Icon
App icon design
icon or button design for VersesApp
Create the next icon or button design for
KaraMD Website Icon
A set of 6 icons
Mobile Game Intuitive Icon Design
Adasse Fitness Icons
Update our App Icon and Splash Screen to iOS7 Design
Icons for a food app.
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