Kratos is a god in Greek mythology who personifies strength. We are creating a cryptocurrency coin with a very robust backend system that will help build passive income for anyone who holds the token.
We'd like the logo to be classy, modern, sophisticated, and not really "gladiator" or "gridiron" style. The official name should be Kratos Chain. We'll be using this logo for all of our branding, in our marketing videos, on our website, in real-life merchandise, etc.
An example of a website/brand we'd like to emulate is Node Squared - at I will attach their logo here as well. We love their overall look and feel, and their whole brand style. It feels very sleek and sophisticated.
One thing to play with, if you'd like, is using his "red stripe" tattoo in the logo... I will attach a couple examples of those too. The red stripe isn't necessary, just a suggestion.
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