Title and author
We Are Alpha Dogs!
Douglas A. Bowers, CPA MBA
Photo of the author
Author biography
Douglas A. Bowers, CPA MBA has over forty years’ experience helping closely-held businesses grow and deal with the complex financial and human problems that comes with business growth. It is his feeling that improving the human dynamic will do more to improve business results than any other single factor.
Book description
Finding themselves profoundly disappointed by their human family, being left home from the family vacation they have always been a part of, having to take care of themselves, seven Dogs have to decide what to do next. Do they run off and find a home new home, wait for the family to return, only to do just what they are told to do? Or do they decide to write their own story, dream big and seek to realize their full potential?
Regardless of what they decide, how do they organize themselves to deal with the unforeseen problems that come up? How can they find the resources they need when no one thinks they can? How do they realize their dreams and become the legendary Dogs they can become?
If you find yourself in a similar situation, can you follow their lead and write your own future, solve problems and find the needed resources for you to do something truly special? Can you also become legendary?
Therein lies a tale of accomplishment you can follow. You too can become special in your world, perhaps even legendary.
Target audience
Business men and women
Physical book details
Book cover type
Front cover
- Title
- Author’s name
- Subtitle
Front cover details
Title: We Are Alpha Dogs!
Subtitle: How Seven Dogs Learn to Become Legends
Back cover
- Blurb
- Author biography
Back cover details
Please also include author's headshot (To be provided later on)
- Title
- Author’s name
Spine details
Book publisher
Amazon CreateSpace.
Ebook details
First page
- Title
- Author’s name
- Subtitle
First ebook page details
Title: We Are Alpha Dogs!
Subtitle: How Seven Dogs Learn to Become Legends
Last page
- Author biography
Last ebook page details
Ebook publisher
Amazon Kindle
Visual style
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
Hand-drawn style illustrations of dogs. The book content has dogs, a pond, ducks, and an apple tree, if the designers would like to play with any of those images. Colors could include yellow, red, blue, and green. In this book, the dogs are also on a path to become legends. Paw prints, paw prints down a path, the barn and the apple tree are also images that could be used on the cover which tie into the book content.
NOTE: The author is including some reference images that are line drawings with a bit of color that appeal. Please do NOT use these images directly, as they are copyrighted by the artists. But please do use them for inspiration.
What to avoid
- Please avoid stock images that readily show the subject’s race or gender.
- Stock imagery must not exceed US $49.00
- This is NOT a children’s book. It is a business book, so the illustrations could be light and whimsical, but geared toward adults, rather than children.
Stock images
Client allowed the use of stock for this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please declare stock when you submit designs so that clients can pay for licenses.
Contest deliverables
Physical book cover
Winner of this contest
Ebook cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.