Title and author
The Safari Concept
Christian Ntizimira
Photo of the author
Author biography
Dr. Christian Ntizimira is the Founder/Executive Director of the African Center for Research on End-of-Life Care (ACREOL), a non-profit organization to bring socio-cultural equality through “Ubuntu in End-of-life Care” in Africa. He is a Fulbright Alumni and graduated from Harvard Medical School, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. Dr. Ntizimira is also an alumnus of the Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership programme, which aims to bring selected Africans to strategize, manage and lead public health programmes that will transform public health in Africa.
Dr. Ntizimira is the winner of the prestigious Tällberg-Stervos Niarcos Foundation-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize 2021, for his passionate advocacy for palliative care in Rwanda and elsewhere in Africa, based on his deeply held belief that dignified end-of-life care is a human right. He pioneered the integration of palliative care and end-of-life care into health services rendered to Rwandan cancer patients and in community settings.
Book description
I need a design for a book that expresses an African perspective on palliative and end-of-life. The book describes the suffering of the family members when their beloved ones are dying and the author is using animal archetypes to describe their suffering, and language and find solutions to support them. The Safari Concept describes different languages of the suffering of families when their beloved one died. The book is portrayed a cultural approach to communicating with families by using animal archetypes to help families and support healthcare professionals.
Target audience
Medical and non-medical professionals, all public
Ebook details
First page
- Title
- Author’s name
- Subtitle
First ebook page details
The African Model of Palliative Care
Last page
- Author biography
- Blurb
Last ebook page details
please suggest ideas
Ebook publisher
Amazon Kindle
Visual style
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
Font styles, mood, names
What to avoid
Stock images
Client requested you avoid using stock for this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please tell the client before you submit designs using stock images
Contest deliverables
1 x Ebook cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.