This design was made for a fictional drama/romance which story, filled with family dynamics, is set in an equestrian property in Australia.
The main requests from the author were a design with an air of luxury (with details in gold) and the picture of her own mare Anastasia — “I want it to stand out in an almost 3D effect”.
Therefore, I decided to place the image of the horse in a very large scale and also with an effect where it seems to get out of the page. Its body extends to the back cover, giving a deep dark contrast to the entire design. This creates a very dramatic appearance but also a sophisticated style, helped by the warm golden tones on the background and on the title.
Then, I made a line drawing of the house, from the picture that the client had provided of the property in which the story takes place, and I included it on the title... almost as if it were part of its “Logo”.