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Book cover contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

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Showing 25,472 contests (Finished)
Showing 25,472 contests (Finished)
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Target Audience is women between 25-55, They live in the suburbs
Guaranteed Book cover
94 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone with a blood pressure issue and/or looking to be proactive with their health
Guaranteed Book cover
62 designs
Silver package purchased for €709
(including 99designs fees)
Real estate investors Wealth Advisors Students
Guaranteed Book cover
292 designs
Bronze package purchased for CA$409
(including 99designs fees)
230 designs
Bronze package purchased for €379
(including 99designs fees)
The target group is 60% women and 40% men. Age: 35 to 60 years. The book is about a Christian songwriter, so the book is
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
48 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone [most any age group or family situation, but mostly adults] that loves to grow their own food, or would love to g
Guaranteed Book cover
203 designs
Bronze package purchased for €189
(including 99designs fees)
Gold package purchased for $1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Pro-Life individuals, conservatives, people who are interested in helping women in crisis.
Gold Guaranteed Fast-tracked Book cover
195 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Female and male young adults. Feeling the pressure of things like student loans and high cost of housing. Wanting to be
Guaranteed Book cover
57 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
parents and grandparents will be the buyers and first readers, then the teens will read. The style is witty and a touch
Guaranteed Book cover
128 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
people who want to daydream about winning the lottery, want to know more about it
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
26 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
- Individuals experiencing gaslighting and narcissistic abuse - People suspecting they are in an abusive relationship
Guaranteed Blind Fast-tracked Book cover
63 designs
Bronze package purchased for €379
(including 99designs fees)
People who are health conscious and want to know more, possibly before trying out CBD themselves
Guaranteed Book cover
78 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
131 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
Ages 25 - 54 People who enjoy gardening, plants, trees, scenery, design, into nature and green.
Guaranteed Book cover
131 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
54 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Seniors who were active at younger ages and now looking for more gentle exercises due to aging; seniors with mobility is
Guaranteed Book cover
40 designs
Custom package purchased for $349
(including 99designs fees)
The target audience of my book is parents who would read fables to their children before bed, anyone looking to get into
Guaranteed Book cover
113 designs
CHF 189
Bronze package purchased for CHF 189
(including 99designs fees)
123 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
20 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Christians: old and new believers of all ages.
30 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Women, interested in goddess culture, celtic history
Guaranteed Book cover
32 designs
Custom package purchased for €359
(including 99designs fees)
- 90 % female - 40 – 70 jears old - Very important: The target group is from Germany. That means that the cover should
Guaranteed Book cover
36 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
People who would buy a book on Norse magic and elder futhark runes are likely interested in: Norse mythology and hist
Guaranteed Book cover
23 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Daughters who have experienced parental abandonment and/or rejection who are 16 and older. My ideal reader has a resili
Guaranteed Book cover
74 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Teachers with 5-20 years of experience, between the ages of 27-55 would enjoy this book most. It is for the high-achievi
Guaranteed Book cover
72 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
New and emerging leaders. Supervisors, leads, managers. HR professionals (to offer as a resource to the leaders they
Guaranteed Book cover
139 designs
CHF 189
Bronze package purchased for CHF 189
(including 99designs fees)
Mental health and other health care professionals, trauma survivors, their loved ones, and those who seek clinical, soci
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
177 designs