This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer Hakonek
Background information
Organization name
The Mono Collection
Description of the organization and its target audience
We organize public art installations. Our website focuses on governmental municipalities as well as real estate developers who are interested in purchasing large public art installations. Our target market are Eastern Asian countries.
We want a clean, well organized design that highlights the main art pieces of our site.
Also - we need to site to be responsive and in cell phones to look clear - we want something like this for cell phones:…l%2Fdesign
Homepage: We want a big featured image of our latest art installation alongside an introduction of who we are. So the main sections on the homepage are - about us; collection, news, and at the bottom our contact info. The page should showcase our different pieces and enable customers to clink on each piece to learn more about the specific art installation. The site should have the option to choose either english or mandarin text. We
The content can be accessed here:…sp=sharing
What to avoid
Other notes
Ignore the first four stock images and use only images from the collection and media reports. Please see attachment for the header photo. + we are not crazy about our "yellow monkey" logo, so its possible just to remove it and use the name of the company instead as the logo.
PLease note we are also running a logo and business card competition:…91/entries
Stock images
Client requested you avoid using stock for this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please tell the client before you submit designs using stock images
You will be required to provide either a PNG or a JPG file. Please check with the client to see if they have a preference.
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.