
C City App icon
Whitepapers design
Car Scrapping Process - Infographics
C City app icon
Service pear logo
Goldengate logo
Paaiv Inkomt - Landing page
Maviago magazine cover design
Icon design - iPhone App
Anthophile branding - Flower Shop
DJOY events logo
Stop Ц ® logo


I am a graphic design professional with 10 years experience. I love improving on my skills and staying up-to-date as much as I can with the latest trends within the industry. I want to be the best that I can be. I love my life! And, I love what I do! “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ― Confucius

Member since: June 15, 2013
Entry Level




"Great Job! Thanks a lot!"
Anonymous client reviewed over 6 years ago