Need a logo for a podcast with an unusual name. I think you're going to have a lot of fun with this!

The absolute best designer!! I had requested not to have cartoonish drawings entered into the contest, and Kathy hadn't seen that before she began working. It's a good thing she didn't because doing what she did made her work stand out way above everyone else. After the winning design (which was the first one she submitted, along with several very minor tweaks), she did submit two other designs which, while weren't what I was looking for, did show off her unbelievable talent! I did mention in the brief that no one was required to follow my guidelines exactly. I tried to open this up for everyone to get their creative skills out on full display. Many wonderful and talented designers participated, and I am beyond grateful for their time and effort! I'm also happier than I have words to express that I ended up using 99designs and got paired up with Kathy because now my podcast has a logo and I have a new friend!

Review by ourdeaddadspodcasG

12 months ago

Invite to work