
Creat a logo for a sewing company which makes products with passion for children and adults.


Diplom Kommunikationsdesign
Seit 2008 freiberufliche Grafik Designerin im Print/Non Print Bereich


Diploma Communication Design
Since 2008 freelance graphic designer in print/non-print sector

Country: Germany. Member since: December 27, 2013


"She was so great to work with and made great edits to my design of both what I asked and other creative ideas. I polled many logos to supporters of my business and hers won out in a landslide. She really captured the essence of my brand and I can't wait..."
Profile picturemegaq2 reviewed about 1 year ago
"Fantastic work!"
Profile pictureBrandon.Bourn2 reviewed over 4 years ago
"Excellent work, very creative, always paid attention to detail. Will definitely work with in the future. "
Profile picturedianaknezevic84 reviewed over 4 years ago
"Die Designerin ist stehts auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen und hat diese schnell und schön umgesetzt. Die Kommunikation war unkompliziert. Das Logo ist sehr schön gelungen. Vielen Dank"
Profile picturewick_david reviewed almost 5 years ago
"Ich war sehr zufrieden und die Kommunikation war einfach und effektiv. Vielen Dank an nu_eidee "
Profile pictureDavidis reviewed almost 6 years ago