Having a business card which accurately represents your company's vision. It's important to have a business card that is professional as it is one of the tangible items you give out to others which will have a direct reflection on your company's perception.
After working with Jees, I could not be happier with my finished product. Jees not only submitted multiple iterations of alternative designs, but was also very helpful from a marketing standpoint offering respectful insight into each work.
I was also very impressed by the passion and availability of Jees as he was very responsive to our feedback and attentive to this project throughout the duration of the competition, but even afterwards as well.
I've worked on 99designs for a number of projects. Jees is perhaps the best designer I've worked with thus far. Future customers shouldn't have any reservations in inviting Jees to their contest. I strongly recommend working with him.
-Tim McManus
Co-President of Jennus Athletics, Inc.