
Create the next banner ad for Commun.it
New brochure design wanted for Healthy Vision Institute
New brochure design for Ultraspin Technology
99nonprofits: brochure design for Save-A-Pet
Help eHomeLoans with a new postcard or flyer
Create the next brochure design for Keemotion
Create the next postcard or flyer for KPI-JCI & Astec Mobile Screens
Help Innovative Family Farms, Inc. with a new brochure design
SecureBuy Flow Chart Graphic
Create the next brochure design for Computhink
1/2 page print ad for The Baby Grocery Store
brochure design for Education First Athletics Second Coalition


Great brief + Communications = Great designs

Local time is GMT + 7hours. Working time 10.00 AM - 12.00 PM - Monday - Friday (Saturday and Sunday slow respond) I will reply to your invitation between that time

Thank you!

Please read this: 1-1 project is not a contest. If you want to have a lot of draft from designer, then just create a constest instead

Ps. DO NOT invite 1-1 project if you only want to invite and never REPLY. Thanks.

Member since: December 13, 2011


"Thanks Hengky awesome work!"
Profile picturestewart sC reviewed 13 days ago
"It‘s a pleasure to work with you!"
Profile pictured.kapovi5 reviewed 25 days ago
"Excellent as always, thank you."
Anonymous client reviewed 2 months ago
"We love your design. Thank you."
Profile picturestewart sC reviewed 3 months ago
"Ich bin absolut begeistert von der erstellten Produktverpackung! Von der ersten Idee bis zur finalen Umsetzung hat alles perfekt gepasst. Die Gestaltung ist nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend, sondern auch funktional und genau auf meine Wünsche abgestimmt..."
Profile pictureamzbacaksoe reviewed 3 months ago