
Minimalist Bird-Inspired Logo Design
Casual & cool logo for a brand new Cafe
Uniqe identity for an amazing real estate project
Create a Clean Modern Logo for a New Apartment Community
HVAC company logo design
Engaging and creative social media content
Engaging and creative social media content
Engaging and creative social media content
Elegant Swan Logo Design
Logo proposition for a seafood and oyster bar
Logo design with a seaside vibe
Vacation vibe logo for a superb resort located in Bahamas


"I cannot imagine a better graphic design partner! Eliza is simply the best and I feel beyond lucky to have found her. Looking forward to more partnerships with her going forward too. Thank you for making the whole experience wonderful!!"
Profile picturescott.coheC reviewed about 1 month ago
"Best partner in the biz!!! "
Profile pictureceU8 reviewed 3 months ago
"Eliza has become a true partner with me in my business. If any of you need a reliable, skilled, forward-thinking partner in this digital world...look no further. Simply the Best (a la Tina Turner.) :)"
Profile pictureceU8 reviewed 5 months ago
"Always a rockstar "
Profile picturelimorsuss reviewed 9 months ago
"Eliza is a such a great asset to the team "
Profile picturelimorsuss reviewed 11 months ago