Logo & brand identity pack service
I create Logo designs based on informative business marketing, design and trends related to your business attributes.
Design process
1. Provide all information about your project using a logo design brief that will be provided to you. Include all information, images, and anything that you feel will help with you project.
2. Marketing and research is a keep aspect of logo design creation based on information you provide about your business goals and brand recognition.
whilst the information you provide is important I make every effort to create valuable options to be considered for the best design and marketing decision.
3. Develop from an initial idea to a full design concept including business mockups to provided a detailed visual illustration of your logo and brand identity.
4. Revise all options provided to you for any further development or complete your logo design choice.
Remember that when choosing a logo design you may have a personal choice but it is also a business decision. It is important to understand that you are trying fit a new or existing brand in to your market and recognition is key.
What you will get
Complete with your Logo design I will include a free basic business card design with your desirable information and basic stationary including, Letter head, complement slip, appointment card or badge.
A brief will be provided to you to complete and include all details for your project.
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