
expert opinion logo concept
logo for channel-shift
Wordflow logo
11:11 logo concept
Irrevocable runners logo
Logo design for Instagram Hashtag Marketing Saas
Ranch Logo concept
a logo concept for an eco garden care brand
unroader logo concept
Logo Design for a web-based law firm
a logo concept for a media group
Logo concept


Myself Bhupendra Nipane.
I like to create simple & minimal designs. I try to play with the letters and concentrate on the essence of the message in a simple way. My portfolio is a sample of the trend I follow.
I accept 1 to 1 projects as long as the client has an idea in mind of what he wants. But first, make sure that my style suits your needs.
Feel free to leave a message...
dribbble - https://dribbble.com/bhupnip

Country: India. Member since: November 28, 2018
Contests won
Runner up
1-to-1 Projects
Repeat clients
Entry Level




"Very talented designer. Great to work with!"
Anonymous client reviewed about 3 years ago
"We knew at the first logo design that Bhupendra was a top candidate. He was very responsive by getting variations back to us very soon. We will use him again next time we need any work that is in his wheelhouse."
Profile picturejames eb reviewed almost 4 years ago
"great designer. took instruction "
Profile picturemarc.moran84 reviewed about 4 years ago
"Very creative individual... We all loved his work and professional manner!"
Profile picturedanny.wilsong reviewed over 4 years ago
"I loved the geometric shapes of the design and the balance it portrayed. Also the designer is amazing, he always asks you what he can do better and he does it, listening to what you have to say and following your style"
Profile pictureirrevocablerunners reviewed over 4 years ago