
KA monogram logo
4 phase of Moon
audio sound
Name Typography
TEC monogram
BILT fot house builder.
BAD HABIT fishing!
Palm Leaf style!
Aura handmade candles logo


"We do not know what the design, but we'll do it anyway "(c) Tokujin Yoshioka

Country: Türkiye. Member since: February 13, 2015
Brand guide
Mid Level




"Advokat was incredible! Super responsive, fast, got me exactly what I needed + really creative design. Thanks! "
Profile picturerohanep reviewed about 3 years ago
"Great designer who brought our brand to life. Good communication throughout the process and prompt delivery of the required resources. Highly recommend. "
Anonymous client reviewed about 3 years ago
"It was a pleasure having Advokat participate in my logo contest. I received a design out of the scope of what originally requested thanks to the creative out of the box thinking on the designers part. Advokat was also easy to work with and communicate..."
Anonymous client reviewed over 3 years ago
"Thank you too, dear friend! For your patience, brevity and prompt feedback, which, by the way, is very rare! I am always in touch, and at any time you can count on my support!"
Profile pictureAdvokat™ responded over 3 years ago
"Advokat™ made very nice design and we could make a logo together. We gave feedback and Advokat™ change as asked."
Profile pictureiibbee reviewed over 3 years ago
"Excellent professional and very attentive."
Profile picturetiagk reviewed over 3 years ago
"Thank You, my Friend!"
Profile pictureAdvokat™ responded over 3 years ago