Inside the glass you can acctualy see the letter "S" that represents a beer and beer flavor. The design was made to be modern, strong, classy, luxurious, simple, recognizable...
Description of BrewScents:
Sometimes beer has an off flavor in it, due to a mistake in the brewing or packaging process. But do you know how to recognize those flavors? With BrewScents, you can. "BS" is a collection of five commonly occurring off flavors in beer, individually packaged in vials. Each vial has been specially formulated to "spike" a beer with an easily detectable amount of off flavor. Simply pour the 1mL vial of flavor into a glass of beer, and taste it. You'll immediately recognize the "wet, stale cardboard" taste of beer that was exposed to oxygen while being bottled, or the "buttery" taste of beer that didn't ferment long enough.
It is intended to be an educational and new experience for beer lovers.