
Logo Zipi


Je suis graphiste freelance en France, spécialisée dans le print, la création de logos et de chartes graphiques. Je conçois des affiches, brochures et supports imprimés variés, tout en apportant une touche artistique à travers mes illustrations. Mon objectif est de créer des designs visuels cohérents et uniques pour mes clients.

Country: France. Member since: August 10, 2022
Entry Level




"Manon was phenomenal to work with. She took our idea and turned it into a beautiful display that will hang in the lobby of our restaurant. Very prompt and responsive to direction, knowing that we had a tight timeline. I would definitely work with her..."
Profile pictureJustinAhlstrom reviewed 5 months ago
"Thank you so much for this positive feedback! It was a real pleasure collaborating with you and bringing your idea to life. I'm delighted that you're happy with the result and that the piece has found its place in your restaurant. I would be thrilled to work with you again on future projects!"
Profile pictureManonDesign responded 5 months ago
"Manon a su comprendre l'identité de notre entreprise et nous a immédiatement proposer un logo adapté. Très à l'écoute, elle a été très réactive pour effectuer des modifications."
Anonymous client reviewed over 2 years ago