At first glance this image doesn't scream BABY GIRL or BOY, or even Pro-Life for that matter. The calm color scheme and the use of negative space begins to tell a story. A story of a mother. The woman on the left is up for interpretation... Maybe she is anxious about her pregnancy, maybe she is at peace, or maybe she is contemplating whether or not to choose life - the viewer decides. The woman on the right has chosen life and is celebrating her newborn baby.
I want to engage the world with an image that ISN'T a trendy, oversimplified icon. Life is sacred. Life is precious.
This timeless and relatable illustration of a realistic mother portrays the sanctity of human life and engages the viewer on a deeper level.
*(Although this image tells a big story, the lines and the detail of the design are minimal and clean and will translate well on many different merchandize items like hats, shirts, stickers, bags, water bottles, you name it!)*