As a Primary Color I’ve used #F8EFEA and as a Secondary Color I’ve used #AD8350 to create a friendly, fresh, bright, and bridal look. The Headings Color is #252525 and for the Body text I’m using #585858.
I’ve used Montserrat as the Logo font, the Headings are Playfair Display and the Body Text is Nunito Sans.
I’ve enhanced the User Experience by:
-using white space so the content is more readable and it also helps the user to focus on each section;
-determining calls to action: the Sign Up to the newsletter button and the Read More link under the featured article;
-adding the Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook links to your accounts to make the website more social;
-keeping the website consistent: every heading has the same font, color, and size, also the spacing between the sections and the content is the same on every page;
-using colors that create contrast, so that color blind people can also read your content;