
Logo concept for "Sonoran Silk"
Logo concept for "Hamo"
Logo concept for "Jaya Skincare"
Logo concept for "Godley Family Orthodontics'"
Logo concept for "MYA McCABE photography""
Logo concept for "Carlos Zaldivar"
Logo concept "Hirondelle design"
Logo concept "Hirondelle design"
Logo concept for "Hillary Cumberworth Art"
Logo concept for "Ako Faith"
Logo concept for "Ambiance Curator"
Logo concept for ''SanSan''


Simplicity triggers my creativity:)

Behance: https://www.behance.net/farwaali_i

Country: Pakistan. Member since: August 23, 2019
Entry Level




"It was a pleasure to work with Farwa Ali. She was very reactive and it was difficult to choose between her different suggestions as all her designs were really beautiful. I warmly recomment working with her. "
Profile pictureariellDc reviewed 3 months ago
"Ich wünschte mir eine Zusammenfassung zweier Logos zu einem. Mir gefällt es sehr gut. Die Komunikation mit Farwa Ali, war sehr gut.Sie ist ein absolut geduldiger Mensch und ist immer auf meine Änderungen eingegangen"
Profile picturepatriciaroessel reviewed over 1 year ago
"Dopo la creazione del logo, decido di progettare con Farwa la creazione di alcuni post per i social. Lavoro perfetto, Farwa Ali entra in profonda connessione, capisce perfettamente quanto richiesto con poche parole, disponibile e sempre gentile. Grazi..."
Profile picturesara yoga life reviewed over 1 year ago
"Farwa Ali è gentile, comprensiva, ama ciò che fa, esegue con efficacia ed efficienza, da subito è entrata in sottile sintonia con la visione e la necessità del brand, dando una vibrazione più che positiva al progetto. Sicuramente mi rivolgerò a Lei per..."
Profile picturesara yoga life reviewed almost 2 years ago
"Quick to respond and work was done quickly but nicely. Very pleased with what she came up with. "
Profile picturenakedskin360 reviewed almost 2 years ago