The merch logo design I came up with comprises of both an abstract mark and a wordmark type. I designed it this way so it will be responsive (size matters) and people will remember your brand even if it's either one of them shown on a merch / social media post / etc.
The abstract mark includes both the letter Z and number 2 incorporated with the two animals shown as a negative space styling. I picked the ladybug and doe because I was inspired by the movie Bambi where he actually built friendships and love to animals not his own kind and the purpose of protecting them (much like what you do as a family :)) Although if you're going to search for Bambi - he' actually playing with a butterfly. I chose the ladybug as reference to it.
The wordmark, which is the logo title, is inside a speech balloon as reference to you as a family vlogger. Also, this is where the tagline "Hey Zoo Family" can be placed. The speech balloon is in a curvy design to incorporate fun and good vibes.