Because this is a painting company, I wanted to incorporate some familiar painting elements like the paint bucket (which is the circular background design) and the style of the "#1".
The "1" quite nicely houses one of the native pines, overall centering the logo with sophistication and local/community value. The company's namesake "Islanders'" is nearly centered and is what the customer will see/read first and foremost. The text is clean and bright, but not necessarily plain, as its edges are slightly squared to add character and a more original feel without going overboard. "Islanders'" is also lightly outlined with the common navy blue color found in the pine and in the second title, which helps the beautiful white font stand out against the natural-green paint in the bucket. "Choice Painting Co."(the second part of the title) follows in the footsteps of "Islanders'", sitting just below the main title, and utilizing the same squared font.