In order to create a cover that was going to be visually striking even in thumbnail view, I needed to convey the idea of activist feminist motherhood with a simple, uncluttered image. However, I also wanted the design concept to be creative and out-of-the-box, something that would raise eyebrows and intrigue. I ended up using simple everyday items that a housewife would instantly recognise—a hand in a kitchen rubber glove holding up a frying pan. Even though the scene is meant to be simple, the message is strong and iconic—a radical housewife. Holding Shannon’s book in my hands, I couldn’t be happier. It’s got that beautiful polished look with witty touches that I usually admire in other book covers. I am so happy Terena and Shannon chose to work with me. I am also extremely proud to be part of a project meant to help home-stay moms—especially that I am one of them!