Red Lions is an outsourcing company in digital marketing (Inbound, SEO and SEM mainly) and UI / UX design for digital products; It is responsible for providing specialized equipment remotely (from 3 to 5 professionals) to companies that want to dedicate themselves to their business model while Red Lions is responsible for communication channels and customer acquisition.
What we hope to see reflected in the brand is that Red Lions itself is a pack willing to appropriate, protect and be active 100% dedicated to its pack (company that hires Red Lions), if I could say that Red Lions is a type In-house remote agency for companies that hire services.
The market to attack are Startups and companies with 10 to 50 employees, with managers between 28 and 45 years old, who have a budget from 10,000 USD to outsource their marketing or design activities and have an advertising budget of more than 15,000 USD.