Another project for my client expanding on Airbrils brand. This time we crafted logo for Surf-IO a mobile app from Airbrils. APP enables seamless and secure access to WiFi networks Globally. Surf-IO is meant to become a connectivity super app that enables access to any data network globally including 4G and upcoming 5G standard apart from WiFi and it also acts as a futuristic monetization platform for partner networks enabling brands benefit from convergence of online and offline user behavior.
Mark itself was designed around initial S interconnecting with the circle(global) going inside and out around it. It evoke surf from app name with wave sort of look but also propeller to evoke speed. It use blue pink gradient to connect it with Airbrils brand, and with desire to use additional contrast color gradient that is warm and evoke energy, data flows, passion we ended with orange red combination.
Looking forward seeing this in use.