
The most sexy pizza


Hola soy Elisa, diseñadora gráfica e ilustradora.
Mi trabajo abarca desde el diseño de marca, aplicaciones de la misma como diseños de espacio, de papelería, diseño aplicado a rrss, merchandising y acciones publicitarías. También hago diseños para portadas en los que incluyo la ilustración como herramienta de comunicación.
Trabajo la ilustración y el arte digital.
He diseñado para productos de moda, empresas de comunicación, fabricantes de chocolate y un gran número de diferentes sectores.

Country: Spain. Member since: October 08, 2017
Entry Level




"One of the best designers I worked"
Anonymous client reviewed about 3 years ago
"Thanks, you have great ideas, it's great to work with you :)"
Profile pictureEleGG responded about 3 years ago
"Amazing and very talented designer. I'd work with her again :) "
Anonymous client reviewed about 3 years ago
"Thank you very much for your words and for trusting me. It is a pleasure to work with you. I love participating in your projects. And I would love to work with you again!"
Profile pictureEleGG responded about 3 years ago
"I love this design and it’s simplicity. There is so much personality in these two Doods. I truly appreciate EleGG’s work, and knowledge. They knew what I needed before I did: Thank you!"
Profile picturehellF6r reviewed over 3 years ago