The king cobra represents the bad, the temptation and the devil. The Ouboros snake which eats its own tail stands for the human ego. The snake in my design forms a rogue, with its original purpose being death. People make bad decisions, commit crimes, fall for bad temptations and eventually it all comes back to them, it often literally hangs them. Your own bad decisions catch up with you one day and you might have to pay for the things you once did. Temptation usually displays itself as something good, as your friend, and you don’t see how bad it can be yourself. In the end, you realize that this temptation was your foe, but it’s too late. This is some sort of a vicious circle, like the snake that bites itself in the tail, which I used as a reference. People do the same mistakes over and over again, fall for the same temptations, commit the same crimes.