We are a team of 5 Personal trainers working in a gym
It is a family atmosphere but very professional in a noble area of the Algarve, Quinta do Lago
We have 70% of foreign clients
We want to completely renew our logo that has more than 10 years.
He was asked to work with the initials PTC, to come up with a strong, modern brand of impact and strength.
Then it was created, a symbol whose format is based on a halter, to the left side the letter P: Of personal, main activity of the company, that also represents P of people.
At the center the letter T: Representing training, focus, and precision.
To the right side: The inverted letter P, giving base that is the P of POWER, giving total energy, power, influence and confidence, in the other foundations brought by the other letters as concept. And thus reaching the target audience in a way that safe, confident and conveying support, which can also be interpreted as a number 5 of a team of 5 dedicated and united professionals.