n the design we have a light bulb, which is all one line which has been merged with a fountain pen nib and a wireless signal icon. This is all above the name of the company in a handwritten style. At the bottom of the bulb, where there would normally be the threaded part (the base of the bulb) there is the nib of a fountain pen. This combination of items associated with many things, such as; innovation (commonly symbolised by a light bulb), Luxury (associated with the fountain pen), versatility (there are few things more useful than a pen) and penmanship (something which is integral to your company and it's products). In the centre of the bulb, still connected via one line, is a wireless signal style shape, which shows one of the key things your company would like to bring to the pen industry. This all sits above the company name, which has been written in a handwritten style, to tie into the theme of a written/drawn logo, rather than a typed one.