Help two surfers to launch their new healthy food brand :
We produce tempeh, which is a traditional Indonesian fermented soy food, containing a lot of proteins, vitamins and, minerals. It is low on fat and comes in a cake shape, originally wrapped in a banana leaf. Our tempeh is fully hand made with local organic ingredients only. However, buyers are supposed to be healthy young or mid-aged hip people.
We would love to get a clean, modern branding as you can see in our attached screenshots. Since we got inspired to produce Tempeh on a surf trip in bali and lombok we would like to give it a surf touch. Black and white are our favourite colours but we are open for a small set of other colours. Our brand name is Tempehria and as a logo we would like to use a banana leaf (geometric or abstract) as a hint to the original production process. We are established in 2020, which could be used in the design as well.