This book cover was designed for a spiritual fiction.
The author had already in mind a specific scene described in the first chapter. To follow the writing, the angel needed to have an etheric appearance, while the little girl had to be seen as being “more real”.
Although there were already some references regarding the appearance of the characters, I had some freedom to “create” them in a way that could be interesting for the viewers, adding some details.
The atmosphere that surrounds them was also a very important aspect of the entire design, with the sunlight that comes through the trees. The mist was already part of the image chosen for the background, but the colors and contrasts had to be completely changed in order to make the whole imagery balanced and believable.
One of the other details requested by the author was to give a big impact to the main title “44”. The effects and colors helped to make it stand out and, at the same time, to match the rest of the design.