“Meer der Stille”, translated from German as “Sea of Silence”, is a Sci-Fi Thriller set in 2048. An international crew embarks on a flight to Mars, when they’re awaken by the emergency protocol. The chaos and destruction reign on board, making impossible to complete the mission to their final destination... or even to return to Earth. The journey into nothingness begins.
Apart from requiring a spaceship with a specific shape, damaged and with visible signs that would represent the unfortunate events, the client also wanted to convey the impression that the ship was drifting and completely lost in space.
Therefore, I decided to place it in a certain way (in the diagonal) in order to give a sense of instability, to better represent its critical situation while is being destroyed and outside of its route.
The effects that I gave to the title also reinforce that destruction, where the metal appears scratched and burned.
This design was a layout proposal and was never published.