Orthodontic practice is not something that necessary need to have a tooth in a design or you could use it with a very small approach. In other hand, you have a plenty of elements that you can use to represent orthodontic practice, like a hawley retainers. Hawley retainer looks just like this symbol that I made, without a few modifications that you can see on it. That is because I didn't want to make just a regular retainer. I wanted to make something that really fits for this business and also to be appropriate for regular people who never seen retainers before. You know that high percent of people connect only tooth with a dental practice and for that I put a small one here in a negative space. Also, from a body of retainer I made a letter "M", which is the first letter of the name of Dr. Winterfeld. On the end I really like the results. Logo is highly unique and you could say that stands out from a bunch of generic logos that we can see on every contest for a dentist logo.