It goes without saying that we protect the surfaces of our smartphones from scratches with a film. But what about the equally sensitive lenses of VR glasses? The fun is over when the view of the virtual environment is impaired by scratches.
This is where the VR Lens Protector comes to the rescue. It protects the lenses with a curved film that is perfectly shaped for the convex lenses of VR glasses.
I wanted the logo to express protection. It shows a minimalist rhinoceros as a symbol of strong and lasting protection. What the rhino protects is definitely protected. The lower part of the rhinoceros forms the shape of a curved lens respectively a round lens protection film. In combination with the word mark, the arch protects the "VR LENS" lettering and thus conveys the idea of lens protection on a second level. In the horizontal version of the logo, the arc highlights the "PRO" (= Professional) combination of letters.