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34 designs found for:
Create a vintage feel, yet elegant logo for a gourmet garlic growers charity program
French style dressing
Garlic Dill Pickles Label
Garlic Breath
Cooking illustration for Pho
Joyce Foods Branding
Ajos Y Chiles
Spartan Jerky
Logo for Funky Clove Black Garlic Co
Crank Kitchen Brand Identity and Label
label for shipping box
  Ranger Creek Salsa Label Design
Logo concept for
Grassy Meadow Farm
T Sauces Label
Vampire illustration
Fortunate Son Hot Sauce, a locally sourced, all natural, family owned company.
Hand drawn farm logo
Inland Garlic
wordmark for healthy restaurant
Label Entry for Black Garlic Shampoo
Label design for Spiice, bottled garlic hot sauce
Smoked Sausage Packaging
Garlic Lovers
Create a logo for a Spicy and Tasty food restaurant
Gourmet Food (and Pizza) Recipe Blog Logo
 fun label for new garlic product
Label design proposal for ''Kräuter-Bergsalz''
label design for Garlic lovers
Razee Acres
Logo for Garlic/Beet Farm
Wicked farms Garlic label
Black Garlic / Yum Garlic
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