Squarespace Marketplace

99designs x Squarespace
Optimizing your portfolio
Working in 1-to-1 Projects

Learn how Squarespace clients are matched with designers.

How it works

A polished, professional portfolio showcases your skills and experience to potential clients.

Make an impression

A step-by-step look at how to work with clients on 99designs.

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99designs x Squarespace

Learn how Squarespace clients are matched with designers.

How it works

Optimizing your portfolio

A polished, professional portfolio showcases your skills and experience to potential clients.

Make an impression

Working in 1-to-1 Projects

A step-by-step look at how to work with clients on 99designs.

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Understanding designer levels
Setting fees & client expectations
Getting paid

We diligently curate our community based on their professionalism, creativity and technical skills.

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Make sure you’ve negotiated all the details with your client before working on any project.

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Here's everything you need to know about how 99designs handles your invoicing and payouts.

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Understanding designer levels

We diligently curate our community based on their professionalism, creativity and technical skills.

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Setting fees & client expectations

Make sure you’ve negotiated all the details with your client before working on any project.

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Getting paid

Here's everything you need to know about how 99designs handles your invoicing and payouts.

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