Background information
Organization name
Verlag kurz&knackig (publishing house short&crisp)
Entertainment & The Arts
Description of the organization and its target audience
I am a self-publisher, producing and selling my novels.
Content details
Printed book cover design and E-Book cover design for my novel „Ping.Pong.“
My novel „Ping.Pong.“ was already published in 2002 by the German publishing house DroemerKnaur. Here you can find the old cover:…3426615231
It is a very funny, but also deep Coming-of-Age story. The hero is Hakim, a passionate amateur table tennis player. He is trying to find out who he really is and what he wants to achieve in the future. As life plays pingpong with him metaphorically, he finally finds out that your identity is changing all the time, and you are never finished with growing up. Target group: 20-40 years, middle class
I am expecting a very eye-catching cover.
The front should include my name as author „Birand Bingül“, then „Roman“ (meaning novel) and the title of the book „Ping.Pong.“ The title should have a maximum font size and use two lines. The name of my publishing house is „kurz&knackig“, meaning „short&crisp“, which should also be added on the front.
No photographs. Use a strong colour. At the moment, my favourite is orange, but maybe you can surprise me. I always think of book stores where most covers get lost. Give me something that stands out. Besides, you might try out little graphic or iconic elements, but no motives from table tennis.
For the printed book cover only: Please include a sort of „tag cloud“ on the lower half of the cover with some keywords from the book. The intention is to catch the reader at first sight. The „tag cloud“ shall replace the classical content description on the back.
The first group of keywords is: „Liebe Verrat Fisch“ (love, betrayal, fish)
The second group of keywords is: „Sehnsucht Suche Ikea“ (longing, search, Ikea - the Swedish furniture store) Do not change the order of the keywords.
I am not quite sure if you can mix up different fonts, sizes, capital and small letters. Feel free to experiment! A certain readability is very important for me, of course.
Use the following questions - in one or three lines on the upper half:
„Wer bin ich? Wie lange noch? Und dann?“ (Who am I? For how long? And then?)
„Ping.Pong.“ was received very well by the critics. Please include the following outtakes from reviews on „Ping.Pong.“:
„amüsant und sensibel“ (Stern)
„beeindruckend weise und charmant“ (Brigitte)
„spannend und authentisch“ (taz)
The reviews say:
amusing and sensitive
impressively wise and charming
exciting and authentic
Book size: 13,5 x 21,5 cm; 360 pages
Other notes
Contest deliverables
Digital design
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.