Background information
Organization name
Book - 'Finding Your Path - A Guide to Life & Happiness After School'
Entertainment & The Arts
Description of the organization and its target audience
This book is targeted at teenagers who are considering their options after high school. It is intended to be useful particularly in the years prior to graduating and during the initial postgraduation years. I envision the book to be affordable and accessible to this demographic, while also marketing it as the perfect gift for school-leavers from their family and friends.
Content details
Overall: I have completed the contents of the book and now need the front and back covers designed. I am looking to incorporate something quite simple while making it unique. Something to complement the meaning of the book, but also making it visually appealing so you would want to have it sitting on your coffee table, as the primary audience is people (parents/ friends/ relatives) purchasing this book as a gift for a school-leaver.
Book purpose: 'Finding Your Path' seeks to offer support and inspiration through the major transition from school to adulthood. The book provides readers with a framework with which to actively contemplate their options and make plans, while being spurred on by the book’s encouraging and positive tone. The book’s chapters explore the choices of travel, study and work by outlining their benefits so the reader can then go on to make informed decisions on what is best for them. Specific pointers to consider in each area are highlighted, often with dynamic activities such as fill-in the-blanks and ‘pick a card’ sections. The focus is on the importance of trusting oneself in order to create a wholesome path of integrity and happiness.
Front Layout: I would like the title ('Finding Your Path') as the hero message (largest font). Please also include the subtitle ('A Guide to Life & Happiness After School') in a smaller font. My name 'Amba Brown' will then be written somewhere on the cover. Three tone colour way should be used, consistent with the inside of the book - blue, black and white. A visual illustration will also accompany the text. An image that captures the meaning of the book. As I am wanting something unique, the image could be an obvious visual done in a different way or I am also open to abstract ideas.
Back Layout: no strict requirements. open for suggestions.
Ideally the overall design will be as gender neutral as possible.
What I am looking for: I am looking for concepts/ designs that make you grab this book of the shelf and buy it as a gift for someone you know finishing high school. As I already have stores in Australia waiting for the arrival of this book, I am ready to act and finalise this as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort on this project.
Other notes
The inside of the book is now complete. Please find attached some sample pages to get a feel for the layout/ design.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Contest deliverables
Digital design
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.