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Book & magazine contests

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Showing 25,774 contests (Finished)
Showing 25,774 contests (Finished)
Silver package purchased for $329
(including 99designs fees)
Whispers of Love ideal reader is a combination of animal lovers and pet care professionals as well as those that often f
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
46 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Women over 50, especially those navigating menopause or in their senior years, seek out intermittent fasting for a varie
Guaranteed Book cover
86 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
an insecure 15-year-old girl from a broken family. Her mom loves her but does not give her much counsel and has very lit
Guaranteed Book cover
191 designs
Bronze package purchased for £159
(including 99designs fees)
Children aged 7-8 who are looking to get better at learning to spell and their parents are looking for ways to aide spel
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
40 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone that is or isn't a Christian. Any age or profession.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
239 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
99 designs
Bronze package purchased for CA$269
(including 99designs fees)
For first-time dads navigating the transformative journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and first 6 weeks of fatherhood Age
Guaranteed Book cover
45 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Adults aged 30-60 who have assets that they need to have properly allocated for their families and loved ones. Novices w
Guaranteed Book cover
170 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Teens age 13-18 and parents
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
45 designs
Silver package purchased for $499
(including 99designs fees)
People with bipolar disorder, therapists, family members, and friends of people with bipolar disorder.
Fast-tracked Book cover
326 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
Men and women 18 to 60 who enjoy poetry.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
51 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Market research suggests the target audience is predominantly female, ages 27-50+, with more men in their late 30s and e
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
48 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone retiring, thinking about retiring and wanting to get the best out of life after traditional career!
Guaranteed Book cover
117 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
97 designs
Gold package purchased for $799
(including 99designs fees)
Gold Guaranteed Blind Book cover
81 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Toddlers, aged 1-4--which will likely be purchased by a woman (caregiver or parent), aged 18-29
Guaranteed Book cover
38 designs
Bronze package purchased for €289
(including 99designs fees)
60 designs
Silver package purchased for $329
(including 99designs fees)
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
About the Reader Understanding your target reader's needs, interests, and motivations is vital to creating a book that
Guaranteed Book cover
57 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Young adults, young professionals, and college students interested in social skills that help tailor the content to thei
Guaranteed Book cover
47 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Athletes, not professional athletes, but those looking to improve their game.
Guaranteed Book cover
117 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Readers are parents of children with ADHD, caregivers, educators, therapists, and medical practitioners. The reader can
Guaranteed Book cover
147 designs
Silver package purchased for $329
(including 99designs fees)
Women, Seasoned and new upcoming leaders and managers of the age 25-55
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
219 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
The majority of the readers are between the ages: 15 - 17 years old (teenagers) 18 - 21 years old (late adolescence)
Guaranteed Book cover
84 designs
Silver package purchased for $449
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
312 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
197 designs
Bronze package purchased for £159
(including 99designs fees)
123 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Teens, women, and anyone who likes poetry.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
88 designs
Bronze package purchased for €379
(including 99designs fees)
72 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Adults age 25-65, Anywhere in the world, Future or seasoned gardeners.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
75 designs